Effective January 1, 2022, Deborah K. Schaal will practice law under the Law Office of Deborah K. Schaal. Her address is Office Suites of Linden Oaks, 70 Linden Oaks, 3rd Floor, Rochester, NY 14625. Her phone number is (585) 244-1070, and her e-mail address is debbie@dksattorney.com. Ms. Schaal’s new website is dksattorney.com
Kenneth W. Gordon has retired from private practice and is not accepting new clients. Former clients may contact him for referrals at kgordonesq@gmail.com or by calling (585) 362-7315.
As of December 31, 2021, Gordon & Schaal LLP is no longer operating. It has been a pleasure to serve our clients and to have been a part of the Rochester legal community for over 20 years.
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